PokerBot > Help
Help from within Slack
After installing PokerBot, you can trigger pokerbot help in slack by typing /deal help
What can I target to collect votes?
You can target the following (and any combination of them):
- User(s), e.g.
/deal @john [issue]
- Team(s), e.g.
/deal @pythondevs [issue]
- All users in the current channel, i.e.
/deal @channel [issue]
- The active users in the current channel, i.e.
/deal @here [issue]
How do I change the options?
You can change the options by typing /deal config options [options]
, where [options]
is a comma separated list of options. E.g. /deal config options 1,2,3,:banana:
Why are you requesting so many permissions for this Slack plugin?
In order for PokerBot to be usable from any channel, a basic number of permissions is needed. On top of this, to add @channel
and @here
functionality, we need to get info on the channel and user presence.